Yesterday at church Kacey had a substitute teacher in her Sunbeam class. The teacher remarked how much Kacey looked like her daddy, and told me about the following comments.
Teacher: Wow! Kacey, you look a lot like your daddy. You are definitely a Jackson.
Kacey: Yes! We are all Jackson's at my house! What's your name?
Teacher: Sister Simmons.
Kacey: Well, that's a great name! What kind are you at your house?
Teacher: We are all Simmons'.
Kacey: Wow! That's great that you are all Simmons', and we are all Jackson's!
Maybe not so funny to everyone else, but this is so typical Kacey...especially if you read it as if it was the most exciting news you have ever heard. Her sweetness cracks me up!